Hybrid bearings’ advantages - Linqing Nine Star Bearing Science & Technology Co.,Ltd
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Hybrid bearings’ advantages


Why hybrid bearings?

The balls Ceramic Speed use are fundamental to the properties of Ceramic Speed bearings. The balls are manufactured from Silicon Nitride of an extremely high quality. They are only produced in two places in the world, and production of each ball takes from 50 to 70 days. The balls have an extremely hard and smooth surface, and are better than steel balls in all ways.



Extreme wear resistance

Silicon Nitride balls are 2.3 times harder than hardened steel

Reduced weight

Silicon Nitride is 58% lighter than steel, this reduces the load on the other components in the bearing, thereby increasing the maximum speed of the bearing by 30-50%

Reduced need for lubrication

Ceramic Speed balls  are 4 times smoother than steel. The friction coefficient of Ceramic Speed balls against steel is 0.2, whereas the friction coefficient of steel against steel is 0.8.

No cracks or micro-welds

When silicon nitride balls are sufficiently smooth they polish the races, instead of making cracks – which can be a problem with steel balls.

High resistance to foreign particles and corrosion

Ceramic balls don’t corrode, and crush any particles that enter the bearing. This means that if the races are damaged the ceramic balls polish them, whereas steel balls accelerate the deterioration process.

Low Friction

The ceramic balls are rounder, lighter and smoother, reducing friction and energy loss in comparison to steel balls. Optimising other components in the bearing reduces friction even further – without reducing the lifetime.

Increased stiffness and reduced vibration

The ceramic balls have an extremely low coefficient of expansion – only a quarter that of steel balls, and are both rounder and smoother; this means that the bearing is more precise, with less vibration. At the same time the ceramic balls polish the races, so they become smoother over time.


Linqing Nine Star Bearing Science & Technology Co., Ltd 

Insulated bearing, Hybrid ceramic bearing and  brass cage DGBB)

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